>>1144407 she sings riptide a lot, even before "the incident"
>>1144411 at first when I wake up, I can't process time properly, so I literally just don't understand how long 3 hours is Sometimes anyway, it's not every single time I wake up
we as a society have to move past Vegemite at some point
>>1144088 ## #bringbackkirarahome no, I mean ## ###BRING_BACK_Kirara_HOME DAMN
your markup is cursed sam,
that what I mean # >>1144088 ###bringbackKiraraHome >>1144216 >>1144088 ##bringbackKiraraHome I CAN'T OPERATE THIS BOARD WITH LAME MARKUP LANGUAGE SUPPORT SYSTEM ! ! !
look at what wired ratz space done to their H2 markup&Css, & they can operate without js, if only they had no spam ...